
Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year! It's 2012!

Well we are here. 2012. A time for new beginnings.

(I'm loving this photo by *Sally M*. I found it on flickr.)

This year I am setting myself some clear goals. No dilly-dallying. 2012 is the time for doing.

My goals for this year:
1) Get fit. More healthy eating, less junk food and much, much more exercise.

2) Christen our son.

3) Get my children enrolled in swimming lessons.

4) Organise finances. With three children a savings strategy of some description is a must.

5) Establish a way to make money by working from home.

6) Do more fun/silly things with my children on a daily basis.

7) Spend a lot more time with extended family and friends.

8) A family holiday to Barbados. My dad is from this beautiful country and I love it there, (wishful thinking but needs to be done). We haven't been on holiday in forever. Aim high I say.

9) Work out how to credit photos properly on blogger, sounds simple but I'm having issues and it's bugging me (any help will be much obliged).

10) Build my blog and meet more inspirational people through the world of blogging.

That's a nice list to be getting on with I think. Certainly doable. Bring it on.

What do you want to achieve in 2012?


  1. Happy New Year Natalie!!! Hope 2012 is a fantastic year for you and your family and all your resolutions, hopes and dreams will be fulfilled by Gods mercy & grace! Love you x

  2. P.s Keep up the great work with the blog. I'm really enjoying it!

  3. Thanks sis. Happy new year. Lots of love and hugs xx

  4. Hi Natalie,

    Thanks for dropping by! I love the idea behind your blog. I'm in the process of starting up my own company (in Greece of all places) and the economic meltdown is causing a few hiccups along the way. But we'll get there...

    Great resolutions too. I find it's always easier to achieve them when they're simple, tangible goals to begin with. Like enrolling your children to swimming classes. Small steps!

    By the way, the way I credit my pictures is when you upload them onto your draft, click on the picture and you will have the option to 'Add Caption'. I add the caption and link through to the source, if it's not already my picture.

    Good luck with the blog - it looks great and I'll be following!

    Maria xx

  5. Hey Maria,

    Thanks so much for the 'how to' info on the photo credits. That's one of my resolutions sorted ☺.

    2012 is definitely the year for establishing a fruitful career that inspires and fulfills me, as well as earns me a decent living. Lol.

    The best of luck with your business venture in Greece. These are tough times.

    Have to add how gorgeous your wedding album is. The pictures are stunning. Hmmm, here's hoping the better half and I get our act together soon and begin planning our nuptials in 2012. Looks like another resolution.....

    Natalie x
