
Saturday 19 May 2012

Listography - Top 5 things I love about kids

Kate at Kate takes 5 has restarted her listography - Yay.  This time instead of being weekly it's now monthly. This month's topic is the top five things I love about kids.

Here goes;

1 - The most simple things bring immense pleasure; bubbles, water, dirt, feeding ducks,  swings....these things a happy child makes.

One of life's simple pleasures

2 - Their laughing and giggling. Admittedly when it's bed time and the giggling still persists it gets less than funny, but hearing a child's laughter always warms my cockles.

3 - Tiny chubby feet. I love tiny hands too, but kids, and babies feet in particular always make me go 'ahhhhhh.' So cute and squidgy.

4 -  Their clothes. Children's clothes are so small, yet so perfectly formed. Rather like them. I'm a sucker for pretty dresses and cute shorts and little short sleeved shirts. My children's wardrobe's are heaving.

5 - When they are sleeping children look so beautiful and serene. Who knew their was such a hidden mass of energy just waiting to burst open as soon as they awake.

To add your top five pop on over to Kate's blog. Go on you know you want to : )


  1. The feet. Most definitely. Even though my eldest is up to my boob now, I can safely say that her feet are the cutest things I've ever seen (along with the baby's) :)

  2. Got to love a chubby pair of baby feet. Teeny, tiny loveliness :)

  3. Ahh kiddies and their feet so perfect.

  4. Oh, those tiny, perfectly formed clothes! Make the most of them. My 9yo will only wear skinny jeans and baggy fleeces.

  5. Adventures of Middle-aged Matron - The joys of pre-teens. I can only imagine.....well I have a good idea but not relishing it : )

  6. So agree with all of your list. I love my son's peachy bottom, and their little chubby legs. Never thought I'd really say that about babies, but they do have lots of pluspoints in being cute.

  7. Emma T yes, peachy bums and chubby legs are the best too.

    It's very easy to forget sometimes, but there is quite a lot to love about kids despite the complete chaos they often

  8. Ooo this is a good one. And how did I forget the chubby hands and feet?!
