
Monday 10 September 2012

Emirates cable cars

I am so far behind with the posts I want to write for this blog it's unreal. There's so much that's been going on lately that blogging has taken a bit of a back seat whilst life shuttles along at full throttle.

The past few weeks have been full of activities with family and the kids. It's been great and I feel so blessed. The next few posts will probably involve me sharing the escapades so sit back and enjoy.

So where do I start? Well a few weeks back, slap bang in the middle of the Olympics, my sister and I took my nephew and kids to Royal Victoria Docks in the Docklands to experience the Olympic buzz.

It was a great day, lots going on and lots to see. I was particularly taken in by big clear balls bobbing on the water and for £5 you could get into one and run about on the river. It looked like a lot of fun. There were also young boys who had set up a stall selling real fruit smoothie drinks. We bought some for ourselves and the children. They were ice cold and delicious and at £1.50 for a medium sized cup, great value for money. It was so uplifting to see young black boys getting stuck in and enterprising in such a positive way. I would love to see more of that. Really inspirational.

We strolled along drinking in the great atmosphere and my sister wanted to go on the Emirates cable cars. Now I'm not a lover of heights, so I wasn't too fussed about going on one, but my sister was keen to, so I obliged (as you do).

We went through the barriers, it was a bit like going on the underground, only it wasn't underground but you had to touch in and touch out with your oyster card. The cars rotate slowly on a cable, they never stop so you have to hop on as quickly and carefully as you can. With two adults, four kids and a buggy this was no easy feat but we did it. We sat down and the doors shut. The cable car slowly began to make its ascent. My little sis who I thought was prepared for what lay ahead sat down confidently, then as it climbed higher she began to look unsure. The cars do wobble a bit and I don't think she was aware that would happen. As the car climbed higher and higher the fact that we were being held up by a cable in however many tons of steel bought my fear of heights to the forefront and I sang 'Yes Jesus loves me' whilst tightly gripping onto my one year old for the entire journey. Thank God for Jesus!!

The views were amazing, but the car does wobble quite a bit in my humble opinion and this wasn't a particulary windy day. My eldest daughter refused to let go of the bar inside the car bless her. She has definitely inherited mummy's dislike of heights. My younger daughter and nephew had a whale of a time, throwing their hands in the air and squealing with delight. My one year old was completely non-plussed. Ahhh the joy of infant innocence.

So the Emirates cable cars. I would recommend you go on one if you get the chance. The beautiful views across London alone make it worthwhile. If you are afraid of heights you may struggle a bit, but it's definitely an experience worth having.

View from below

These look so fun.

Cable cars across the river

Great views of London from the cars.
Beautiful sky and gorgeous clouds.

Nephew and daughter number 2 loving it.

Look at that face. She is grinning but she is scurred.....


  1. Your "Thank God for Jesus!" made me chuckle! but thank him indeed. The views from the cars are amazing.

  2. I had to give Him thanks because the fear was threatening to take me over lol. Despite it all it was an experience worth having. You should try and go on it if you get the chance : )
