
Thursday 13 September 2012


My eldest daughter starting school and my younger daughter about to start pre-school has really given me the kick start that I needed.

When all three children were at home with me 24/7, mornings were lazy, (well as lazy as a morning can be with three demanding children in tow). If we weren't going to the library for story time or food shopping or to the park, the days would just unfold into a muddled blur of what would often feel like domestic nothingness.

Now with school starting, each day has a purpose as I wave my daughter (soon to be daughters) off for her daily dose of education. Every morning I'm up by 6.30/7am. 7.30 the latest (if I'm feeling pooped). Despite the early starts, which as a mum I'm more than used to, it feels so good to know that I have a set routine for each day. It's funny because when my children were babies the idea of a routine would give me the heebie jeebies. I was never one of those Mum's who strived to get their baby fed and asleep at certain times, not that there is anything wrong with those methods. I just didn't like the idea of being locked into a cycle of set times and procedures that I would struggle to enforce, especially since all three of my babies were pretty poor sleepers until they were at least a year old.

The realisation I am making is that where before I abhorred rigidity and structure, I am now finding that as my children grow older I am thriving on these very things. I couldn't feel anymore excited and motivated right now. I can't explain it but I definitely believe it's a combination of my faith in the Almighty and the feeling that as when one chapter closes another opens. Of course I still have my daily struggles, but I am pressing on and focusing on all that is lovely.

My children are becoming more independent and in turn more of my own independence is being given back to me. Oh how wonderful life is!


  1. Thanks Becky. Just taking each day as it comes and keeping the faith : ) X
