
Friday 30 November 2012

Friday reflections - week 8

Wow. I have to share an amazing Joel Osteen sermon I had the pleasure of listening to this morning. I have been feeling forlorn lately. I'm struggling in my situation and I feel a bit overwhelmed at times. Well that weight was lifted  when Joel spoke God's words of hope, joy, peace and life into my own life today. He made things a whole lot clearer for me. I tell you, God uses people to speak truth into your circumstances and turn things around for you when you least expect it. 

For a few weeks now I've felt rather 'bleurgh', and quite frankly; I DON'T WANT TO FEEL LIKE THIS. I have no reason to, I have life, health, healthy children, healthy family and friends, a roof over my head, so much to be thankful for. Well you know what? I have authority over my feelings.  I am an overcomer through Christ who strengthens me. God hears my prayers, He knows the desires of my heart. My job now is to stop grumbling and dwelling on how my situation is going to change and start praising God for the changes He is already making. Amen!

Joel's sermon went something like this;

When we pray, yet our situation continues to look bleak we can sometimes begin to beg God for deliverance by praying the same prayers over and over. This is not the correct approach because God hears our prayers the first time. The right approach is to switch worry, doubt and complaining into PRAISE. We must thank God that our prayers have been heard and He is changing our situation even though we can't see it yet.

Praise, worship and thanksgiving is what changes situations. Joel gave the analogy of his family. When his son passed his driving test he bought him a car, his 13 year old daughter asked if she could get a car when she passed her test. Joel said yes. From that point onwards she trusted her father's word and even began to speak as though she had the car already, giving thanks to her father for his love and kindness. She had faith in her father and believed she would have the car she was promised. Imagine if his daughter on a daily basis kept asking 'Daddy, can I have a car? Daddy where is my car?'. It would make no sense if the car had already been promised. And would only serve to upset her father who would be heartbroken that his daughter had no confidence or trust in his word. That is what God must think about us when we don't have faith in Him and His glory.

Be a believer not a beggar. Pray then Praise. Believe God will do what He says He will. We grab God's attention by thanking Him for the answers to our prayers before they come. We must thank Him for His grace and mercy, for the favour that he pours in our lives and the abundant blessings that are in store.

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight'

Proverbs 3:5-6

Let us learn to speak positively into our lives, to have faith, hope and joy.

Have a blessed weekend x


  1. Great post sis, Proverbs 3:5-6 was one of the first bible verses I learnt after becoming born again.
    Lately I've begun slipping into the begging God mentality in some of my prayer requests, but of course that's the last thing our loving and heavenly Father would ever want! We must pray with faith! & continue with praise & worship for all he has done and will do!!!

  2. Thanks sis. The God we serve is AWESOME! Hallelujah! Amen!
