
Thursday 13 December 2012

Doing the right thing

I was approached by a TV Production company a couple of weeks ago. One of the assistant producers had read my iPhone widow post and wanted me to be involved in a 'fun type' program they were filming about this very topic.

It is crazy, but I've been praying about a whole variety of things lately and one thing in particular was the OH's iPhone addiction. It's no joke, he is obsessed. I know it is so easy to get drawn into your phone, (I'm quite attached to mine), but the OH's relationship with his phone is NEXT LEVEL. Believe me. Anyway you could imagine the utter shock when completely out of the blue I received an email which addressed the very issue I'd been praying about only a few days before. Wow!!

It was so hard to decide if this was God working in the situation, because the TV program was setting up a prank type scenario, which involved duping individuals with mobile phone addictions (he really would have been a perfect candidate). But the word 'prank', kept ringing alarm bells in my mind. After all aren't pranks, by there very nature quite cruel? Of course they can sometimes be funny, but there is always someone who ends up looking a complete fool. I looked up the definition of the word prank and it read.....'A practical joke or mischievous act' - OK nothing too wrong with that, and then I looked at the 16th century definition and it read - 'wicked deed'. Well that was all the confirmation I needed, I couldn't go ahead with it. God would not answer my prayers by leading me to partake in something which is defined as a wicked deed, despite the producer assuring me that it was light hearted fun.

Back in the day I would have jumped at this kind of opportunity, but my new life as a born again Christian has truly changed me. It took quite a bit of brain- racking, but I'm glad I turned the opportunity down and I know in my heart I have done the right thing. The Lord will answer my prayers in His perfect way and in His perfect time, I've just got to keep my eyes focused on Him and try not to let stumbling blocks hinder my walk. I'm telling you reading the Bible is the only way to keep your path straight, because there are so many things which can have you confused if you do not know God's word and the plans that He has for your life.

Thank you Jesus for your revelations, your wisdom and your mercy. Hallelujah! Amen!

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