
Sunday 27 July 2014

A place of peace

Wow! It's been a LONG time! To be honest I've needed the time away to lick my wounds and get back to a place of strength and contentment. I believe I am almost there. Praise GOD!!

A lot has been going on in my life, lots of fantastic and not so fantastic things. I have come to realise that it is how you react to situations, that dictate how well you overcome them. If I didn't have Jesus in my life, I know my old way of dealing with difficult and devastating circumstances would have come to the fore. Drinking, smoking, partying, moving onto new relationship..they would have been the crutches used to blot out the pain, hurt and disappointment, but thank God for a better way! It is not and has not been easy, let me tell you, but by leaning on my Heavenly Father, He has been able to go into the root of my pain and begin the healing from the deepest depths of my soul. It is by no means a quick fix, but it is eternal and the fruits are glorious!! My goodness.

Despite my ex, going off and starting a new family with someone he barely knew, The Lord has been able to take my heartbreak and turn it into something beautiful. I am choosing to take my eyes off of my circumstances and focus on The King of kings and the fruits of my obedience have seen the blessings of Heaven shower down on me in abundance.

I have a new job in a Christian organisation! Can you believe it? I am spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, doing what I love AND getting paid. I really have to fill you guys in fully another time. I went to Malta at the beginning of the year, then to Paris with my sister and children a few weeks later. I'm not playing, The Lord has made sure I want for nothing and no, following Christ is not a walk in the park and it's not full of you getting what you want, I can testify. But when you live life Christ's way He can do nothing but pour out His favour over your life. He can not lie. I'm excited for the future!

'Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.' Matthew 5:6

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