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Think 'll need to buy this for a certain somebody. Image from englishchinashop.com |
Please someone tell me. How on earth do you cope with a child who asks a million questions a day and just doesn't stop talking?
My eldest daughter is four, and already, at this tender age she could talk the hind legs off a donkey and it's driving me a little bit potty.
Of course she is my daughter and the apple of my eye, but I'm certain her constant chattering is on another level. Not to mention rubbing off onto her little sis, who has started to gain momentum in the chatterbox stakes too.
As soon as she wakes she's nattering away, asking endless questions, it doesn't seem to stop. I know inquisitiveness is the way children learn, but my daughter asks question upon question upon question and I'm getting to the point where I don't have any more answers. I don't remember my siblings or I being this chatty when we were kids.
Maybe I'm just being a meanie, but I'm sure others are starting to notice how much she has to say and how many questions she asks. It's like a Spanish inquisition and I've noticed eyes beginning to glaze over once she gets going.
Take a conversation she had with her daddy this morning;
Tiny talker: 'Daddy why do you never have breakfast at home?'
Daddy: 'Because I'm always in a rush.'
Tiny talker: 'Why are you always in a rush?'
Daddy: 'Because I'm a busy bee.'
Tiny talker: 'Why are you a busy bee?'
Daddy: 'Because bees are busy making honey and they go bzzz, and I'm busy working too.'
Tiny talker: 'Why do bees make honey and why are they busy...?'
Daddy: 'Because that's what God made them to do.'
Tiny talker: 'Why did God do that?'
Daddy at this point is probably at a complete loss and trying to think of ways he can leave the house without having to give another answer.
As you can see these conversations tend to go on and on and when you're a busy parent who has a million and one things to do, it's hard to keep your concentration long enough to indulge in the great 'Why' debate.
My sister has decided that if there are too many 'Why's', she'll just reply 'Z'.
This has my daughter in fits of giggles and satisfies her curiosity for a short while. I think
This has my daughter in fits of giggles and satisfies her curiosity for a short while. I think
I'm going to start using this approach too. It has to be better than; 'I don't know' or a pained sigh lol...
Do you have a super talkative child? What do you do to keep sane?
Comically timely as far as I'm concerned. My 6-yr-old was off sick today, but not too sick to prattle ceaselessly while I tried to work. I made a note of some of the endless eloquence (most sourced from films and lyrics and randomly emitted to fill the silence:
'My heart is on fire!'
'I don't just want you I want an end to sufferings!'
'I am maybe out of my tethers'.
'All I want is to return to my old master, mother'
'Everyone just looks into my eyes and thinks what a beautiful boy I am.'
So no, you're not alone. It just gets worse!
Hahaaa - that is hilarious. Where does it all come from? I really don't remember whittering on half as much as my kids.
Happy to know it gets worse - aaarrrrggh.....
My daughter used to be like that and I used to try to answer every question, even if I had to look it up. Bad news, my daughter is still like that except now she talks about friends, books and the endless songs and television programmes that she's in to. I try my hardest to engage but by 7pm my patience has worn out so I nod smile and try to pick up one or two words that I can repeat back to show I was 'listening'.
Mumma G you are impressive. Looking up answers? That is unheard of in my house. I must start doing this, if not for my children then at least for my sake lol.
My patience is shot by about midday. I must try harder to engage, will have to use your example and listen out for key words hahaaa
It's a sweet, but annoying phase, that I think actually lasts quite a while. Sorry! My older two do stump me with questions, which we end up having to look up the answers to, as I am not very good with knowledge sorts of questions. My youngest, who is two and a half has just learnt 'why?'. Uh oh xx
Yes 'why?' is definitely the question which is sending me round the bend these days.... : )
Ohhhhhh... you could be describing my daughter! I try to be so patient, but sometimes it just drives me CRAAAAAAZY!!! I've even found myself uttering those terrible words: 'Just because!'. ;)
Oh yes 'just because' that gets thrown in there too. It's awful isn't it? They are so sweet really, but it can get so, dare I say, irritating. Need more sleep lol x
I use Z or other letter too! think mune past this stage but 8 year old just asks difficult questions...
It seems that regardless of age the questions just keep on coming. Looks like I'd better start coming up with some intelligent answers and quick..... : )
With all the childen I have worked with over the past 12 years I always get at least one who bombards me with questions. Inane questions that sometimes I cant even answer. So I just ask them questions back and distract them from whatever track their train of thought is on. It confuses them, baffles them to the point of stopping. Has me fits sometimes - cruel I know ;-) Good Luck xx
Makeshift mummy I've noticed that's what my brother does, just fires back questions and totally has her stumped for a bit then she's right back at the non stop questioning. Got to love her x
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