Firstly let me start by saying that this is not a sponsored or review post. I simply had to share the complete fabulousness that is Direct Specs - the online store specialising in prescription glasses and sunglasses.
I'm short sighted, so I rely on glasses for driving, watching TV and seeing the numbers on buses. Yes its rubbish, so when I lost my one and only pair a few weeks ago (my second pair to lose in as many years) I was not a happy bunny. I had a few pairs of contact lenses left over, so I was OK for several days, but when they ran out I had to plan my days around whether or not I'd have to drive in the dark, which happens to be an absolute no, no when you don't have 20/20 vision.
Direct specs was recommended to me a few years back by a friend who had a really nice pair of glasses on and when she told me she'd only spent £35 when I'd spent a whopping ten times that on a pair of Armani prescription frames a few weeks earlier, I knew I'd be a fool not to get involved.
With the recent episode of yet another lost pair of glasses I was stumped. I couldn't find my old prescription and my two year check up was due, so I had to wait a few weeks to get my eyes tested before I could order myself a new pair. Frustrating....
I got my new prescription on Monday and late on Thursday I ordered my new specs online, it said they'd be delivered within ten days, but I received my glasses on Saturday morning. Very impressive.They were £19.99, with £5 for an anti scratch lense and £4.50 postage and packaging. Not to mention a free case. Bargain city or what? I am really pleased with my purchase.
I have used Direct Specs twice before, the first time I got a pair of Burberry prescription frames for £50 (which I lost) and my second purchase was a pair of non designer frames for £30 (that was the most recent pair I lost) hmm not quite sure what's going on with that. Anyway the quality is amazing, the service second to none, not to mention super quick and the price is unbelievable. I would recommend this company all day long.
Their range, especially the selection of designer frames seems to have dwindled a little over the years, but what they do have is still great. Here is a pic of me in my new specs. I love them. Mostly because of the price, but they look good too (even if I do say so myself).
My new cheap & cheerful spectacles. Icy - Black cherry |
Seriously if you wear prescription glasses check them out, or if you don't, what better than to recommend a friend who does? The amount of money they have saved me over the years can not be scoffed at.
Thank you for sharing this. We were actually looking into online glasses couple of days ago. Good to know about tried and tested company, will definitely try it out too :)
Wow! Just, wow! I don't often lose my specs but they are grabbed off my face by a boisterous baby, twisted, sat on and otherwise abused on a daily basis. I need this site. Thanks for the heads up!
Margot you are welcome. Glasses are soo expensive, so when my friend told me about this company I was so pleased. They are great.
Tim, I know exactly what you mean.
My girls insist on trying them on or picking them up from where I've left them, plus my son is into the whole grabbing and tearing off the face, not to mention the fact that I have been known to sit on a misplaced pair too....parenthood eh??
This site is fab, hope you find something you like.
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