I really wanted to get this post finished and published yesterday, so I could say 'Happy June 1st everyone!' Sounds much better, but I was feeling beyond exhausted, so I had to give in to the fatigue and get myself to bed. Still tired today, but not as bad as I was last night.
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Time is whizzing by Source |
Anyway....enough of that.
Can you believe we are six months into 2012 already? I can not believe it and can not explain where the time has gone. It's crazy because as you get older time simply whizzes by at break neck speed.
It's scary at times, because there is so much I want to do, but only so many hours in the day.
Since we are halfway through the year, I think now is a good a time as any for me to look at the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year and see what has, or more realistically, what has not (lol) been achieved.....
1) Get fit. More healthy eating, less junk food and much, much more exercise.
If I'm honest this is a bit of a fail. Most days I'm skipping breakfast because I'm always so busy tending to the kids, catching up on twitter or my blog, or trying to get my chaotic brood out of the door, that my eating habits and long awaited fitness regime has fallen by the by. By midday I'm usually a shaky, irrated, hungry mess, so yes you guessed it I'm grabbing a quick sugar fix, which is ALL WRONG!! This situation will be addressed soon I'm sure. just need to work on this getting the balance right stuff.
2) Christen our son.
Done. We got our lil man dedicated at the end of April. A lovely service. Still haven't managed to sort pics though - doh
3) Get my children enrolled in swimming lessons.
Yes, my girls are all enrolled. In fact they had their second lesson today and everything is going tickety boo. The drama I had to go through to get them onto said lessons was altogether a different affair. You can read all about the palava here.
Yes, my girls are all enrolled. In fact they had their second lesson today and everything is going tickety boo. The drama I had to go through to get them onto said lessons was altogether a different affair. You can read all about the palava here.
4) Organise finances.
Can we skip this one please? I'm getting jittery just thinking about this goal. I will get there, but not quite sure how at this point in time.
5) Establish a way to make money by working from home.
Linked to number four, but there are things simmering away in the background which will hopefully take off. Soon.
6) Do more fun/silly things with my children on a daily basis.
I'm really trying with this one and I am getting a lot better. Children really are so easy to entertain when they are young. My kids love it when I pull silly faces, talk with a silly voice, roll around on the floor with them and blow bubbles. To be honest I love it too and it can be very relaxing you know. Once you get going.
7) Spend a lot more time with extended family and friends.
This is improving all the time, but I'm so busy finding a gap isn't easy. But saying that I do see my soon to be mother in law once a week, and I'm trying to arrange more play dates with my mummy friends.
8) A family holiday to Barbados.
Can we skip this one please? I'm getting jittery just thinking about this goal. I will get there, but not quite sure how at this point in time.
5) Establish a way to make money by working from home.
Linked to number four, but there are things simmering away in the background which will hopefully take off. Soon.
6) Do more fun/silly things with my children on a daily basis.
I'm really trying with this one and I am getting a lot better. Children really are so easy to entertain when they are young. My kids love it when I pull silly faces, talk with a silly voice, roll around on the floor with them and blow bubbles. To be honest I love it too and it can be very relaxing you know. Once you get going.
7) Spend a lot more time with extended family and friends.
This is improving all the time, but I'm so busy finding a gap isn't easy. But saying that I do see my soon to be mother in law once a week, and I'm trying to arrange more play dates with my mummy friends.
8) A family holiday to Barbados.
I NEED A HOLIDAY, and to be honest at this point in time I no longer care, where I go, with who, why or how, I just need to UNWIND already.
9) Work out how to credit photos properly on blogger
I was previously using the old interface, hence the earlier issues. Sorted now.
10) Build my blog and meet more inspirational people through the world of blogging.
I'm really pleased with the progress I'm making with this goal, I'm meeting other lovely bloggers/vloggers, going to great events, writing for an exciting new magazine....I've even got business cards made. It's all go, go, go..
Can't wait to see what the next six months bring. Hopefully I'll transform the status of my currently failed goals and achieve some new ones too.
OOoooh and we're all off to our local theatre in an hour or so to watch 'The lady who swallowed a fly'. Then the OH has sorted a last minute hotel booking for us. But more of that in another post.
Bye for now x
Isn't it scary how quickly time can fly?? I can relate to point number four in your list, I'm currently building a new website which I hope will take off and enable me to work from home more. Hope you manage to work something out
Thank you Laura, all the best for your website too.
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