Last weekend, for the first time in the four years I have been a mum, I was away from all three of my children for more than one night.
Now I thought I'd be glad for the peace and quiet, glad for being able to think straight, glad that I wouldn't have to referee arguments, glad that I didn't have to think of mealtimes, dirty nappies and requests for bottoms to be wiped, glad that I wouldn't have to deal with crying, whining and endless disciplining. But the truth is, that although I was glad for the first hour or so, after that my heart ached for my children. I felt completely lost.
It's crazy being a mum. There are times when you will be literally pulling your hair out, pleading with God for the strength and patience to keep calm and get through the day. Praying for Him to give you guidance when you're desperately trying to get out of the door with the baby screaming and the toddlers not listening.
But this is what motherhood is all about. It's chaotic, frustrating, annoying and scary. Yet in the same breath it is satisfying, rewarding, exciting, awe-inspiring, amazing, miraculous. I look at my children and can't believe they came from me and my better half. They are beautiful, intelligent, cheeky and funny, they make my heart swell with an abundance of love, joy and pride. There are times when I am fretful, worrying about their future, what if anything happens to them, or their dad or me, but those moments are short lived.
We must embrace each day and live life to the fullest. My children have taught me this and they have ultimately given me my purpose in life. Deep down that is always why I wanted to have children, to give my life meaning and direction. I am here raising a next generation to contribute to this world long after I am gone. How much more meaningful can you get?
It's crazy being a mum. There are times when you will be literally pulling your hair out, pleading with God for the strength and patience to keep calm and get through the day. Praying for Him to give you guidance when you're desperately trying to get out of the door with the baby screaming and the toddlers not listening.
But this is what motherhood is all about. It's chaotic, frustrating, annoying and scary. Yet in the same breath it is satisfying, rewarding, exciting, awe-inspiring, amazing, miraculous. I look at my children and can't believe they came from me and my better half. They are beautiful, intelligent, cheeky and funny, they make my heart swell with an abundance of love, joy and pride. There are times when I am fretful, worrying about their future, what if anything happens to them, or their dad or me, but those moments are short lived.
We must embrace each day and live life to the fullest. My children have taught me this and they have ultimately given me my purpose in life. Deep down that is always why I wanted to have children, to give my life meaning and direction. I am here raising a next generation to contribute to this world long after I am gone. How much more meaningful can you get?
Everyday they teach me something more about myself. Most of the time I wince at the revelations, but being a parent is no easy task. Being able to work on your faults and become a better person, is the fantastic by-product of being a mother and although it's not always a walk in the park, I wouldn't have it any other way.
never a truer word was said! kids, eh. can't live with them, can't live without them! lovely post. x
Thanks Paula, motherhood is unlike anything I've known. One minute you're laughing and the next you're shouting your head off. Great isn't it? Lol x
Great, balanced post. Nice to know we're not alone - parenthood is wonderful but it isn't easy! :)
"Everyday they teach me more about myself" - so true!!! Great post
Thanks for writing this post for the #dosomethingyummy campaign.
Amummytoo parenthood is really something else. Thanks so much for your lovely comment and yes it's so good to know we're not alone in this crazy world of parenting.😊
Nickie you are very welcome. It was a pleasure contributing to such a great cause and I loved finally putting my feelings into words.
What a great post, your feelings for your children just jump off the page. Thank so much for sharing and supporting #dosomethingyummy
Awwww thanks so much for your lovely comment Lynne. The cause is a great one and I'm glad I was able to contribute.
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