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I'm in a quandary about which contraception to use.
There I've said it. (Doesn't feel too strange after all. Lol. ) Anyway after three kids in three and a half years, (two of those completely unplanned) I'm not sure my body or my sanity could survive another child. Don't get me wrong my children are my whole world, but what do you do when you know you're done having children, but you still want to enjoy the other stuff? Obviously we need to take precautions and we are, but I'm searching for something long term that we both can feel comfortable with. Most available options leave me wanting to run for the hills.
It feels absurd to me, because there was a time not long ago, I never even thought I could or would have one child, let alone three and contraception was the furthest thing from our minds. Now here we are blessed with three beautiful children and trying to prevent any more?? I have a very complicated pregnancy history. I have suffered several miscarriages, one at 20 weeks, after which I discovered I had a medical condition (I will go into more detail in a future post). So I guess you could say there is a lot of emotion tied up in this whole process.
Whilst pregnant with our third child. I half joked with the other half that he should get the snip. He refused, saying at 29 he was too young. I guess he has a point, but I don't think he'd do it even if he was 60.
I would not get my tubes tied. I lost an ovary to a cyst nearly 10 years ago so I think I've been through quite enough in that department. Pre kids I was on the pill for about 10 years, I tried to go back on it after each of my children, but every time I'd have horrible mood swings and feel really low. The injection scares me, I'm not scared of needles, but I don't like the idea of being injected with hormones. I've seriously considered the coil but the nurses gave me the eebie jeebies with all the talk of discomfort, and coils potentially getting lost inside you or falling outside of you, plus I don't want all those man made hormones in my body either. I know you can get the copper coil, but the thought of a foreign body sitting inside/close to my womb bothers me.
In each of my pregnancies I suffered from hyperthyroidism so I have a new found appreciation for the human body and how finely tuned it is. Just one little imbalance can send your body haywire, and I think that is what puts me off of most of the family planning options out there, I would love to find a more natural method. Currently we use *ahem* condoms and although they're ok, I'm so scared of them splitting that my paranoia often gets in the way. It's all very crap and rather stressful.
I would like to try the rhythm method. This is when you have intercourse on the days you are least likely to conceive. You have to be super strict and organised to use this method. For most women this wouldn't be an issue, I don't think I could say the same for most men. So realistically that would be a 'no, no' too, but saying that, I'm good at keeping the other half at arms length when needs be. Much to his frustration. He does handle it well though, poor thing, so maybe the rhythm method could work for us?? Maybe??
So that is my dilemma; what contraception should I use? Certainly there is always abstinence, but then I'd no longer have to worry about family planning, because I think I'd be on my own before long. A man (and of course a woman) has needs - haha. So if you dare to share what methods do you use and how does it effect you? Your thoughts and experiences on the matter would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Mrs, 3 babies...wow ! Give yourself a pat on the back. I feel your pain on the contraception front-it's not an easy decision and one that only us women can make. I have a 6mth old darling son and to prevent having any 'oopps' babies till he is at least 2, I have opted for the non-hormone coil. Yes it's a foreign object in your system but when I looked at all the other options, it just seemed like the lesser evil. I'd used pills previously but always had some sort of adverse hormonal effect so I wanted something that had zero hormones- plus something that required zero thought (I forget everything)! Do consider-it's really not that uncomfortable, almost like 1 contraction but then the pain is gone and you don't know it's there!
Curlvolution, thank you so much for your comments and congrats on your darling baby boy. Yes I must remember to give myself a pat on the back amidst all the indecisiveness. Lol.
You're right family planning does always seem to fall on the woman's shoulders. Yet another cross we have to bare. Sigh.
I must admit the coil is definitely at the top of the list. My mum used it and never had any problems except when it fell out and my little sister found it on the floor. Eeew.
I have heard the pain is short lived and it's a great form of contraception so I will have to reconsider. Thanks for sharing x
Congratulations on your family. I know your pain!! My husband has resolutley refused to have the snip, even now (at 50+). I tried the pill,condoms, diaphragm (messy), and then the coil. I have the mirena coil and can honestly say I wouldn't be without it. It was fitted because of v heavy bleeding and subsequent anemia. I did have a scare once when on a routine check the nurse couldn't locate the strings, but an ultrasound scan soon found it, in place! My womb is tilted which makes insertion uncomfortable, but not unbearable. The worst bit for me is the speculum!!
Good luck with your decision making, but I wouldn't personally go for the rythm method - I have met too many mums for whom it hasn't worked!
Thank you for your comment and thank you for sharing. Yes the rhythm method is very hit and miss, so I don't think we'll be going that route unless we want more bubba's...which we most certainly do not....
Great post, I'm, doing the whole abstinence thing at the moment but unlike you I don't have a hubby to keep happy thank goodness! Like you I lost a baby in the late stages of pregnancy (21weeks 3days) and you sound exactly like me in terms of contraception, none of them seem to have great appeal. I am very interested to find out what you go with and how you find it. Good Luck xxx
MummaG thankyou. It is an absolute minefied this whole contraception thing. It's strange because in my late teens and twenties the pill worked brilliantly for me, now I'm hyper sensitive to it.
So sorry about your loss. Losing a baby is awful isn't it? There are no words to describe the pain. But look at us now with our beautiful babes.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I will definitely keep you posted on the final decision I make. xxx
Hi there. Really love this post and your honesty! Im probably not the best person to give advice on this subject considering I'm 6 months pregnant which was unplanned so my family planning skills are not on point! However, i thought i'd mention the implant which might be an option for you. Its a small tube that they place under your skin of your upper arm. Its effective for a few years so hassle and worry free. Might be worth researching or speaking to your GP about. A few of my friends have used it and had no problems. Oh and i think you can remove it whenever you like in case you change your mind about more Bambinoes! :-)
Thank you, It is awful and we can't replace our loss but yes we both have beautiful babies even after such pain xxx
Corita thank you and congratulations on your pregnancy. I've heard about the implant and I know some people that have been on it. The thought of that plastic finger thing or whatever it is lodged in my arm freaks me out. Maybe it's mind over matter, who knows? Hey ho I'll get there. I have to : )
Thanks for sharing.
Hello my lovely, I can't suggest what may be best for you and your partner but for me I used to take the pill for many years until I had continious spotting and bleeding for over 8 weeks - nothing serious just my body and the chemicals not mixing.
I would probably try the implant next should I ever meet Mr. Right and have the need ;-) lol. Good luck. Take care, Kate aka Makeshift Mummy xx
I'm having a similar dilemma at the moment. Our family is complete (we think!) so we need something long term, but am reluctant to go back to putting hormones in my body. I felt that it took over a year from when I came off the pill before I was ready to conceive. Although if I'm done conceiving then I suppose it doesn't really matter! The doctor prescribed me more pills at my 6 week checkup but I've yet to start taking them.
I'm thinking that I might give the implant a go at some point, but I need to do a bit more research first.
Makeshift mummy / Jennifer thank you so much for commenting and sharing your views. It's such a minefield and I can't seem to see the woods for the trees. Hoping I reach a suitable conclusion soon. Definitely don't want baby number four anytime soon..... : )
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