More and more of late I've had a yearning to be married, like right now. I don't know if it's the romantic deep within fighting to get out or the sheer embarrassment and shame (we are christians) of having three children out of wedlock or maybe it's the fact that I'm rapidly approaching 33, but either way I feel the need to be a Mrs. The thing is I'm not sure how we get there anymore.
I read this great post on the London Bride blog recently. It was about long engagements and it got me thinking about the situation the other half and I have found ourselves in.
I read this great post on the London Bride blog recently. It was about long engagements and it got me thinking about the situation the other half and I have found ourselves in.
My fiancé proposed in glorious style along the river near Tower Bridge in early 2008. It is now 2012 and nothing is planned, booked, mentioned or talked about. It can't help that he runs his own business and I'm looking after our three children, so between the two of us we are usually too exhausted or too sidetracked to talk about us and this marriage/wedding malarkey.
I must admit I do get cold feet every now and then, when I'm having to constantly remind him to give me money for the bills or repeatedly having to pick his
Compared to hideous exes, my fiancé's short comings are insignificant. And after all nobody is perfect and it's all about compromise. I know there are a lot of things about me he probably grins and bears (heck he probably doesn't even want to get married anymore but hasn't got around to telling me yet - *shudders*) so it all evens out I suppose.
The fact of the matter is, he is most definitely THE ONE and I want to be his wife but money is tight, (we've moved back to our one bedroom flat to save money for goodness sake so how can we possibly afford a wedding??). We both come from big families so nothing is ever going to be small and discreet. Maybe I'm just creating barriers and we should just go ahead and do what we can afford (zilch) and please ourselves rather than everybody else.
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I think this could well be my dress of choice. *rubs hands together excitedly* Looks pricey though. |
I swore to myself 2013 would be the year we became husband and wife. This extended , drawn out engagement stuff has gone on long enough. This wedding has to happen doesn't it? Even my little sis who isn't even in a relationship right now has more of an idea of what her wedding will look like than I do.
I've got to get this thing moving....
....right that's it, we will have 'the talk' tonight and a date will be set.
Keep me in your thoughts.
Hi Natalie, ;o) Lovely and honest post.
You are now in my thoughts! Personally I think you answered your own question at the end of your post....
It just HAS to be what's right for you and your fiance and your children first and foremost. If you try and please everyone else, you are setting yourself up to fail. Trust me, it's an impossible task. LOL! (i'm learning that now)
Make your own rules. ;o) Its so easy to get influenced by others. If a small and intimate affair is what you want and can afford then why not go for it? There is no logical sense in bankrupting yourself for the purpose of a large wedding. An intimate ceremony with nearest and dearest could be beautiful and of course, the most important part out of all of it is the fact that you will be husband and wife. :o) Maybe later down the line a larger celebration / reception for others to celebrate with you?
Its tough, i know. But I hope you find what's right for you and hubby to be and good luck with that talk tonight, 2013 sounds good to me. ;o)
Hi Nova,
Thank you for your lovely comment. Writing the post was very cathartic and I did notice I answered my own misgivings at the end. Lol.
Congratulations on your forthcoming nuptials. You are so much more organised than we are. Hopefully that will all change after tonight....x
I hope your talk goes well this evening Natalie, but please don't put too much pressure on yourself about it. I completely agree with what Nova has said and just wanted to add one thing. Sometimes it so easy for us to focus on the future instead of taking stock to enjoy the present. When you get married no matter how you choose to do it in the end it WILL be amazing, but that's not to say that you shouldn't treasure the place where you are now. With 3 beautiful children, you sound like a very lucky lady to me!
X x
Ahh thanks Nicola, you are very right it's so easy to lose sight of where you are now, when looking longingly to the future.
I am most certainly thankful for my wonderful children and being in a loving relationship is the icing on the cake. I guess I'm just feeling frustrated that things have come to a complete standstill and the excitement of getting married is all but gone. But like you say no matter how we choose to do it, IT WILL be AMAZING.
Thank you for reminding me of that fact x
Here Here!!!! ;o) Wise ladies. :o) thank you for your congratulations Natalie! X
Ah what lovely comments to a lovely post. I have always wanted to get married and though my engagment didnt work out the way I had imagined I wish you every happiness for your future and you can make it whatever you want it to be my lovely xx
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