My baby boy is 10 and a half months and he is walking.
A month or so ago it was a few wobbly, uncertain steps, then it was four or five sturdier steps and now, today in particular, he seems to be walking from one side of the room to the other, toothy smile gracing his lovely, chubby baby face.
After fumbling with my phone
I managed to take this. Lol |
My girls didn't start walking like this until just before their first birthday's. I was expecting the same or maybe a bit later for my son, especially as he's a boy, and you always hear that boys take longer to do things. But not my little bundle.
I suppose with two big sisters to keep up with, there was no way he was going to be missing out on the action for long.
On a separate note, we got him dedicated yesterday. Unfortunately I was so pre-occupied I didn't get to take photos but I know family and friends did, so I'll have to get the pics and post another time. It was a beautiful church service and the party afterwards, to jointly celebrate my daughter's 3rd birthday on Wednesday was great too.
It was so nice to see all of our family together. Made me realise we really must do it more often.
Hmmm....same time next year??
wow what a clever little man! my little dude didnt walk until he was 18months, i was so worried, but once he mastered it, he was off lol x
Leopard Print Mommy thanks. Anything from about a year to 18 months ish is the norm I think they say.
And it's so true, once they've started there's absolutely no stopping them : ) x
He's doing so well! My daughter is 11 months and no sign yet, it does make it easier when they can stand up by themselves doesn't it! Although of course then the shoe shopping starts...!
Yes it is easier to a certain degree, but now he's climbing the sofa's and his sisters beds in a bid to keep up and I'm worried about him falling off. He already seems to have mastered how to turn himself around and ease himself down though. It's mind boggling because I didn't show him.
Yep off to clarkes to buy his first walker shoes tomorrow....I'm excited, although I'm sure my purse won't be after a few months : )
So exciting, although when they start walking things change so much with them being able to get up to lots more trouble. T started walking the week after her first birthday, I saw her take one step on a Wednesday on her own and by the Friday she was walking, everyone told me it would take ages from that first unaided step to fully walking so I was very chilled out and it caught me by surprise when it happened so quickly.
Clever little boy! So cute when they start walking
Yay, that is really exciting :)
Feisty tapas & Bailey Ana - it is really exciting and a bit sad at the same time. I can' quite believe my little baby is growing so quickly.
I bought his first pair of proper shoes today. They are sooo cute and he loves them x
Oh wow how cool. youngling didnt walk until his first birthday and it was like he had been practising and then wanted to show off since everyone was there etc. Bless. Thats such a cool picture too. xx
Thanks Kate, it is so strange because
he is still only diddy but yet he is walking here there everywhere. Time flies. xx
Well done, baby boy! We seem to be living parallel lives. The Duchess started taking her first steps two weeks ago. She'll be 11 months tomorrow and she's getting dedicated in another two weeks. Perhaps I should assign someone else with the job of photographer. I found you via Blow Your Own Blog Horn.
lifeofanexpatparent - we are definitely living parallel lives lol.
I didn't think I'd get the photo, but perseverance paid off. All the best with your little girl's dedication. We had such a lovely time.
Blow your own blog horn is great isn't it?
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