Age: 29
Place of birth: Kent
Education: 9 GCSE's, 3 A'Levels, read law at Kingston University.
First Job? At 16 - shelf stacker at a hardware store.
Current job? Director of my own company Enviro Inks Ltd which specialises in environmentally friendly office stationary.
Best job? Potentially this one. To mould a company and align it with my own moral and ecological ethos is ultra liberating. Plus I've got great staff with me.
How did you achieve this? By putting my faith in God.
Dream job as a child? Professional footballer or priest.
Dream job now? Any role that enables me to make a positive change on a global scale. Enviro Inks Ltd is my first step.
What is it like? Hard work, but I'm not afraid of hard work. I work long hours and have virtually no holidays, with a young family that's tough. Nothing worth achieving comes without sacrifice.
What is the best advice you have been given? Many people like to offer advice, but no one's vision will stretch as far as yours, so will be out of line with your long term missions and goals. Keep to your principles 100 per cent and trust in yourself.
What is the best advice you'd give? Do not be afraid of failure. That will only stop you from achieving your goals.
Who is your inspiration/role model? God.
What is the one thing you would change about yourself or the world? End world poverty.
What is the key to a successful career/life? To have faith in God.
Recommend someone you know to take this interview: My soon to be brother in law Jonathan B.
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