I'm serious. My better half, or not so these days, has developed an unhealthy and quite abnormal, in my opinion, attachment to his iPhone. He is on the thing morning, noon and night. Swiping and pinging his finger tips across the smooth rectangular face. He scours site upon site, looking at football scores, watching you tube clips, making eBay purchases and generally bugging the patience out of me.
He is a great dad, but it pains me to confess that he is paying more attention to the phone than his children these days. He takes it to the toilet with him and ends up being in there longer than is necessary. He even takes it with him to the shower, balancing it precariously on the side of the sink. On more than one occasion I have been tempted to carefully nudge it accidentally on purpose under a running tap of very hot water.
Will things ever get back to normal? I have noticed he doesn't seem to know what to do with himself if the battery dies unexpectedly and he doesn't have a charger to hand. Please someone reassure me that the novelty will wear off soon.
Or maybe things will get worse as I'm picking up my own newer and shinier version in a few hours...................
1 comment:
I love my iphone and was a bit obsessed with it in the beginning.But as with most things the novelty soon wore off and I'm happy to say I can now be parted from it for prolonged periods of time!
If I was in your position I would be seething! Who wants to be in the company of someone glued to their phone?! It's so anti-social.
Sounds like the iphone has become that third unwanted companion in your relationship. I'd give him an ultimatum, It's me or the phone! lol! xx
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