The aim of the blog is to share knowledge, advice and experiences. I'll commence with the sharing which will set the scene for how this blog will work. I hope you find the information useful as well as inspirational.

Name: Natalie B
Age: 32
Birthplace: East London
Education: 9 GCSE's, 3 A'Levels (2 A's & a B - very proud), Joint Honors degree Sociology and Communications from Goldsmiths College (2:1)
First Job: At 16 - Shoe shop assistant, on the princely sum of £2.01 an hour.
Current job: Marketing Exec for an IT recruitment consultancy - nearly 7 years.
Best Job: My current role as it gives me the scope to play to my strengths, planning events, networking, building the company profile within the IT recruitment market.
Dream job as a child? TV Presenter, writer, teacher, journalist, dancer, actress.
Dream job now? A business owner of a media or production company.
How will you achieve your dream job? Hmmm I'm still trying to figure that out, I will let you know when my eureka moment arrives.
What is the best advice you have been given? Everything is temporary. That has really helped me out whenever I've been in stressful situations as it makes you realise that nothing is forever.
What is the best advice you'd give? Always believe in yourself , know your strengths and play to them.
Who is your inspiration/role model? My parents and my grandmother. My grandmother raised five girls on her own, they are all an amazing credit to her and she is an amazing woman.
What is the one thing you would change about yourself or the world? I wish I didn't worry and stress about things so much. I am learning to be more patient and let things run their intended course. Very hard. I wish the world was a kinder a place, especially as I'm a mum.
What is the key to a successful career/life? Successful career? I'm unsure I'll ever be able to answer that. A successful life? Put your faith in God and he will fix the rest.
Recommend someone you know to take this interview: My better half Alex A.
1 comment:
Great blog! Keep up the good work sis x
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