I am currently on maternity leave looking after my three children - 4 years, 2 and a half and 6 months. Yes I have my hands full, but I wouldn't have it any other way, well I guess I would to a certain degree and herein lies my dilemma. I want to stay at home with my children and be their primary carer, yet at the same time I feel the need to earn a wage so as to help provide fully for my growing family. What to do? What to do? On the one hand the whole point of having children is to be around and raise them isn't it? On the other, my career seems to be sailing off into the distance right before my very eyes. I came across this article recently here. It seems to highlight most of my issues, maybe there are other working mum's out there feeling the same. Hope this article helps.
Hey Natalie, thanks for following and welcome to the world of blogging (assuming this is your first time!)
I can totally relate to your struggle as a working mum, I have two children quite close together whilst working for the same company. When I went back to work & tried to get a promotion after the second one I faced prejudice from my manager (a mother herself), who didn't think I would be up to the task! With a lot of determination and persistence I was able to move up and did quite well in my career but the truth was I was always torn.
My philosophy is that you need to look deep within yourself and decide what it is you really want. You will have to compromise but you can have whatever it is that you want. If you look through my blog you will know that I stopped working in September to be with my children and find myself. It has been HARD & financially disastrous BUT I have never been happier and more at peace. The finances will come and I believe that 2012 will be a very successful year for me - just the start of things to come.
Working is a very important part of who I am and I refuse to feel guilty for wanting a life outside of my children. That said, I want to at least give them my time while they are young enough to care.
This comment is becoming an essay so I'll go but thanks for the post & good luck.
Hey Bailey Ana,
So good to hear about your experience. What you talk about is exactly what I am currently facing and your sentiments are much like mine. I feel the need to work doing something I love, but at the SAME TIME, I want to raise my children. I will most certainly read through your blog, it will be very intersting for me, especially since your outcome is so positive. Thanks so much for sharing and I will continue to follow your fabulous blog. If you get the chance, I would love to interview you for my blog. I'm probably getting ahead of myself now, but your comments have been invaluable. Thanks Natalie x
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