He is doing something different every day now. Copying my every move, dancing, singing, almost running. Yes running.
His personality is growing bigger everyday.
He is so quietly confident.
So little, yet so mighty. Such a boy.
Children can be hardwork, but they are also the best thing. Ever.
His personality is growing bigger everyday.
He is so quietly confident.
So little, yet so mighty. Such a boy.
Children can be hardwork, but they are also the best thing. Ever.
Ah it goes so quickly. Even now when Youngling is 3 and a bit I still think wow I cannot believe I gave birth to you after nurturing you inside of my tummy so so long. He still 'wows' me with things he says and does. His memory is impeccable. Savour every moment hun :-) xx
Growing up so quickly =) he is so adorable with his cute little self, what a blessing x
Kate it's crazy isn't it? I look at my three and can't believe I was even pregnant with them. They are all so independent and individual.
Yep I'm savouring every moment. Good and bad lol x
Modern Meid they grow at the speed of light, I'm not kidding. They are most certainly blessings and he is rather cute : )
Thanks for the lovely comment xx
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